Tuesday, December 16, 2008

A Very Difficult Circumstance, At Christmas

A dear friend runs a very compassionate shelter. I've watched her pour her very life into the hardships of others for years as God’s instrument of peace. Her shelter and ours, work very closely together, and in fact our MAIN Street shelter exists, in all too many way, because of her and her compassionate vision.

At the beginning of December, and very good man named Pastor Paul arrived from Kenya. He was here to do some speaking engagements at some local churches that are friends of his, trying to raise money for his very poor church, and at their invitation. He is poor and his ministry is to the poor and handicapped back home.

When he came here, he had a host, or so he thought.

He needs our help.

Click to read his story: http://www.besidestillwaters.net/stories.html

Friday, December 12, 2008

Pro-Life — And In Favor Of Keeping Abortion Legal

Frank Schaeffer's parents, Francis and Edith, were best-selling authors who were instrumental in linking the evangelical community with the anti-abortion movement.

But after coming of age as an evangelist and helping to organize religious fundamentalists politically, Schaeffer had a crisis of faith: Though he is pro-life, he decided that abortion should remain legal.

Interesting Interview: